The beginning of the year and the end of the year are two of the toughest times for me as a teacher-mom. The demands of teaching are at their peaks which sometimes results in the excitement of my own kids completing a school year getting lost among the craziness. No last day celebration for my kids. No kick off to summer hoopla as my kids get off the bus. This time of year, it's survival mode as a teacher. It's mom guilt I struggle with every single year. 

No matter what craziness the next few weeks may hold, I'm trying to slow down. I'm trying to reflect on what the end of the school year means for each of my own children. For me, it means seeing my oldest son prepare for his final year before junior high, my middle son preparing to enter the intermediate school, and my youngest son leaving the year a fluent reader for the first time! These milestones are huge! They make me proud. They make me sad. They make me want to freeze time. Sadly, I can't pause time. But I can vow to Slow Down.
Take time to enjoy every moment, no matter how trivial they may seem. After all, no moment with your loved ones is trivial at all.
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